Our Neighborhood
The series Our Neighborhood juxtaposes sites of residential life in cities and towns across the US from Texas to Pennsylvania, with the infrastructure of the petrochemical industry.

Renewables and natural gas are now cheaper than coal, climate change disasters from drought to flooding are affecting every state and yet the US has not committed to phasing out coal.

Ohio River
The Ohio River is one of the most polluted in the country while also serving as the drinking water for 5 million people.

Castles Made of Sand
Sea level rise maps show where flooding and inundation is expected. With Castles Made of Sand, I wanted to supplement the generalizations of these maps with specifics. What lies in these low-lying areas and what is at stake? What will be lost?

Castles Made of Sand: New York
In Castles Made of Sand, the Jimi Hendrix song, love, dreams and hope slip into the sea, eventually. Since 2010, I have been photographing the coastal communities around New York City, another kind of castles made of sand.

Castles Made of Sand: The Rockaways
The Rockaways, a string of neighborhoods on a barrier island in Queens, is particularly vulnerable to sea level rise. The two basic plots for it’s future are resilience or retreat.

Oakwood Beach
Hurricane Sandy hit Oakwood Beach, Staten Island, hard. New York State bought back approximately 200 homes in order to return the area to nature. The people who left their homes in Oak Wood Beach after Hurricane Sandy were some of New York City’s first climate refugees.

We live in a chemical soup right in our own homes.